Kronkelroutes.nl is a Dutch website providing information and a community for users of mopedcars (quadricycles) or 45km cars and aims to provide as much information in a broad variety regarding these type of vehicles.
The Dutch word Kronkelroutes is taken from the TomTom satnav software (NL localisation) and names the most beautiful routes you can drive with your moped car in the Netherlands and Belgium. This particular setting in TomTom navigation software and devices is considered the best possible option the international English setting ‘Winding routes‘ in the user interface (even though it sometimes may take you to routes prohibited for moped cars).
We are giving a strong signal to the Dutch government to change traffic laws so people with mopedcars can travel on all b-roads and not just a few and that small roads in the country side are opened for mopedcars.
Additionally to providing a community Kronkelroutes.nl wants to propose a specific satnav version for mopedcars to the manufacturers of satnav systems and software as there is often a problem navigating with these vehicles when the satnav directs drivers to the nearest highway of express way entrance where they are not allowed to drive.
Watch this news item that was aired by RTV Utrecht on 12 May 2020 with English subtitles:
If you require information about this website or its content you may send an e-mail in Dutch, English, French or German to info@kronkelroutes.nl. Please note we can only answer e-mail in the aforementioned languages, e-mail sent to us in another language may not receive a reply or it may be answered in English.